Nancy's Gallery
A Poetic Land of Art & A Sweet Home for Art Lovers

Ying’s Secret Garden

Duration: December 5, 2020 – January 10, 2021

Venue: Gala Mall 2F-210, Lane 66, Yincheng Rd, Shanghai

Artist: Xiao Ying

In the impetuous city life, people seem to have lost their meaning as individuals, and the surging sea of people pushes us to one place after another, stopping for a while and then leaving. Neon flashes, people crowded, but the inner voice drowned in the traffic. The artist Xiao Ying tries to tear open the noisy illusion with her brush, embraces the pure and primitive heart, and arrives at the secret garden hidden in everyone’s heart.

Artist Xiao Ying is introducing her works

Artist Xiao Ying(left)and curator Nancy Lee

Nancy with Collectors from France

Interactive art making

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